Hello! This is basically a little blog. May be big one day, who knows. Below here are links that will send you to each post. I may get enough posts one day for there to be multiple pages, but I'll figure out how to deal with that when we get there.
Disclaimer: posts are listed in reverse chronogical order.
Date posted: Mon Feb 26th 2025, 2:00 PM
I'm starting to add drawings to this website! For example I changed the background to a drawing I made and added a few drawings of my persona to the 'About Me' page.
First post!
Date created: Mon Feb 24th 2025, 2:29 PM
This is my first post on this website. This site used to be a website called 'My Little Hole in the Ground' but I decided to completely remake it and give it a new name. I remade it from the ground up only using small parts of the old site so I consider it its own thing.
I am considering adding simple drawings to this website, but I'll start working on that later on.