Drowning in Pastel Hues

A personal website by an autistic mess

General Info

Here is some general information about me!

  • I don't feel like any names fit me
  • I am 20 years old
  • I use they/it pronouns plus some neopronouns I only share with people I really trust
  • I am autistic (like the subtitle on this site says) and I struggle with mental health issues
  • I am aroace (aromantic asexual)
  • I'm cupioromantic (romance favorable) and apothisexual (sex repulsed)
  • Don't use female specific terms for me. Feminine compliments that aren't specifically female like cute and beautiful are cool, though.
  • I'm otherkin! This means I identify as nonhuman. Before hating on me for this, educate yourself on what being otherkin means using sources that aren't biased against otherkin.
  • I won't be sharing the specifics of what I identify as species-wise at the moment but the black cat on the screen is a cat made of shadow and is my persona, so that tells ya a bit.
  • I only share the specifics of my genders with those I trust. Y'all can know that I'm trans and bigender, though.
black cat drawn in very simple lineless style with a smile on its face

Likes and Dislikes


  • Cats
  • My safe foods
  • My current beloved songs (these change often)
  • Chewelry
  • My headphones
  • My favorite TV shows (one show I've loved for a while is MLP:FIM!)
  • Xenogenders and neopronouns (I love being unapologetically weird and I don't give a fuck what exclusionists and transphobes think)
black cat drawn in a very simple lineless style wearing light blue earbuds with a smile on its face
